An Analytical View on Censorship in India 

The entertainment industry is changing at a rapid rate in the twenty-first century. The introduction of over-the-top technical platforms or video streaming platforms in India has boosted the entertainment industry’s growth.

Why do we need censorship in India 

We can get an idea of importance of censorship in India after seeing the following datas and reports; 

  • According to reports, nearly 60% of film revenue was earned via theater screenings at the start of the decade. However, as the demand for video streaming platforms grows, this pattern is rapidly changing. 
  • According to a recent study, web series are the most popular material on these platforms. On these platforms, over 34% of viewers watch web series. On these platforms, 16% of people watch movies and news, 13% watch reality TV shows, and 10% watch live sports events. These platforms are primarily used to watch Hindi material (above 80%).

Reason behind rapid rise of OTT platforms 

These platforms are favorite among viewers for a number of reasons. It is primarily used for recreational purposes. People spend their free time on these platforms watching their favorite web series, news, sports, and other content.

An Analytical View on Censorship in India

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Customers can enjoy these things while traveling, during lunch, or during downtime, and anywhere and at any time. These platforms make their services available on mobile devices that are easy to use. Users may now view web series and other online material on their mobile devices at their leisure thanks to the low cost of bandwidth.

The programmes that are provided on phones are really simple to utilize. They don’t require the use of a set-top box, a satellite dish, or even a television. All you need is a smartphone and access to the internet. Furthermore, content on these channels is available on demand. 

An individual can use the OTT application and begin watching whatever show they like. These platforms are also budget-friendly. They are free to download and have a relatively cheap monthly subscription charge as compared to traditional set-top boxes or movie theaters.

The content on these platforms are customisable, and customers can watch the existing content in any language.  On-demand content covers a wide range of genres. With a single monthly cost, people may view horror, comedy, drama, classics, romance, epics, and a variety of other genres on one platform. All of these elements have combined to fuel the growth of these internet platforms in India.

Cons of censorship in India 

Traditional satellite channels provide broadcasters the freedom to air whatever programming they want. The government is in charge of evaluating whether or not a certain piece of content is appropriate for the public. Because of the rise of online streaming, the government’s regulatory role has shrunk. 

Rules and regulations regulate the television providers. There are no checks and balances in place for the newly developing internet streaming companies. The tailored subscription-based content available on these platforms also decreases the amount of surveillance. 

These OTT services that stream a variety of web series are self-regulatory. They’ve signed their own censorship code, which forbids them from presenting certain types of content. These codes establish a grievance resolution system for consumer complaints. 

However, all platforms did not sign these censorship codes. As a result, many of these web shows are still unregulated, and their content isn’t vetted before being broadcast. Though the government has stated that the government will regulate the online content, the guidelines are still unclear.

Pros of censorship in India

  • The web series and related content were successful in reaching a larger audience. However, explicit and violent content reaches youngsters, having negative consequences for their attitudes and lives. Censoring and regulating internet web series content has a number of benefits.
  • It safeguards people’s right to free speech and expression because watching a web series is also considered expression and speech. Censorship and control can protect people, especially children, from violent and sexually manipulative content that could expose them to pornographic materials and other sorts of discrimination. As a result, the freedom of one community is balanced against the freedom of the other.
  • Censoring and controlling this type of content might help people avoid becoming victims of abuse or violence, as well as perpetrators.
  • It restricts some religious and societal groups from seeing these web series because of the offensive material. The type of content that is eye-catching and involves controversy is frequently presented on web series. This is disseminated in order to attract as many subscribers and views as possible. Regulating this type of stuff, which is both religiously and socially inappropriate, is one way to keep the culture in check.
  • It would also help to avoid violent crimes and the spread of abusive culture in Indian society. Many online shows thrive on violent and uncensored criminal scenes, which have a particularly negative impact.  
  • Censorship and certification will increase the quality of content broadcast on various internet platforms.
  • In addition, regulation will limit the unfair advantages that OTT platforms showing web series have over traditional television. As a result, on these platforms, it will provide fairness and healthy competition.

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