The gender equality taboo arose the many other issues in the society. This taboo adversely impacted the sex ration, women’s health, as well as discrimination in education, health and employment.
History of gender equality in India
Indian society is dealing with various types of social issues before and after the independence.
The Indian policies makers made continuous attempts to overcome and minimize these social problems.
The list is very long, including, poverty, cast discrimination, Migration, health facilities, other miscellaneous issues as well as gender inequality.
The discrimination on the basis of the women and other gender is highly observed in the Indian society. Although, the Constitution of India grants equal rights and opportunities to all the genders.
The Gender gap, gender discrimination, male-domination, women Sexual harassment, etc. are interrelated problems that women faces around the world.
Correspondingly, the intensity of the problem is very high in the developing countries like India. The Inequality prevails heavily with reference to the distribution of basic amenities among the citizens of the country.
This discrimination against women and girls is considered as a long-running phenomenon in the Indian Society.
There was a time when women has not right to education, right to participate in the social or political activities and health facility.

The discrimination leads to a detrimental impact on the mental health and career of the discriminated section.
Difference between the situation of urban and rular females
The Indian laws and legal system have terribly failed to control the crimes of rape, dowry, adultery etc. This worsens the situation.
The discrimination continues to prevail even after implementation of various laws and awareness by different campaigns.
In the rural India, the women and girls are not allowed to step out of their houses to work or educate themselves.
The young girls are not allowed to go to school or study and are forced to learn the household chores. After sometime they got married at very young age.
The people have strong preference for the boys and therefore, do not love their girl child. They involve themselves into illegal activities like a abortion to get rid of the girl embryo.
However, the situation is quite different in the Urban areas, as the women step out of their houses and gaining professional degrees and job. Yet, they face many difficulties in finding a suitable job with a reasonable salary due to their gender.
The esteem companies have more preference for male employees and thus, the deserving women are unable to enjoy the opportunities.
Even, if woman is able to find a perfect job for her, she has to settle with various things. They have to face discrimination such as work and salary. Apart from it they have to face sexual harassment by the colleagues, etc.
The condition of the female improves as the women get opportunities to participate in different social as well as political activities of the nation.
Now there are no issues like Sati system, no widow remarriage, devadasi system and other such activities exist in our society. Females get the opportunities to avail educational, heath, job opportunities, etc.
The nation is heading towards betterment as the citizens are coming together to fight against the gender equality issues.
So we have discussed about the many problems that a female faces during her life. After reading comprehensive essay on gender equality in India, we got that there is a lot of improvement needed to prove “gender equality” word true.